Is your dog stressed by storms and other loud noises? I have two of these sensitive souls! At the first sign of my dogs showing stress due to fireworks, thunderstorms, gunshots and other loud scary events, (or before, if I know in advance) I reach into my big HOLISTIC TOOLKIT.
1. Apply PEACE AND CALMING essential oil blend by Young Living.
Place a couple of drops into your hand and rub your hands together. Then gently pet your dog, along their back and top of their head with your hands. Also, cup your hands over or near their muzzle and let them inhale the calm. If my dog has an ongoing fear, like thunderstorms, loud noises or other fears, I will add Valor essential oil. Same application as the P&C…I put the Valor on first, then layer the P&C on top. Lavender is also a good oil to use in a pinch. A mainstay in my practice, you can order these oils and other Young Living products through Idyllic Paws.
2. Give my CUSTOM BLEND OF FLOWER ESSENCES that includes Mimulus, Rock Rose, Rock Water, Chestnut Bud and Rescue Remedy.
You’ll need to purchase stock bottles of these 5 remedies and a glass dropper bottle – or you can get this custom blend from Idyllic Paws. To make your dosing bottle: Put 4 drops of each remedy into one glass dropper bottle (6 of Rescue Remedy), fill the bottle with pure spring water, put the dropper cap on and tap the bottle in your palm 5-10 times to gently blend. Then you can give your dog 4 drops at the first sign of distress, and as often as every 15 minutes until the storm or fireworks end. You can put the drops on your dog’s tongue, on a treat, in their food, onto their nose to lick off, or in their water if they will drink. You need to add one tsp. of brandy, apple cider vinegar or vegetable glycerin to preserve your dosing bottle, unless you use it within one week.
3. . Put on a THUNDERSHIRT or a simple Ace bandage body wrap or a t-shirt, for a calming hug. A long-time practice, studies show that this gentle pressure has a calming effect that helps about 80% of dogs and cats. I use the Ace bandage wrap with my dogs. Yes, it works!!
4. Do TELLINGTON TTOUCH body work to calm your dogs. Ear slides and ttouches can help release fear, tension and stress in dogs who are afraid of thunder and fireworks. The ear slide is done by stroking the ears horizontally from base to tip, or by making small circles starting at the base and working toward the tip.
5. If my dog is able to play and eat treats or gnaw on a bone…then we have a PARTAY! Lots of fun, play and treats in the house with some fun music makes a dog forget about their fear.
If you feel your dog’s anxiety is increasing and you’d like some help with managing and desensitizing…or you’d like help with preventing anxiety from starting in the first place, I have limited availability for 1-on-1 consultations, phone or in-person. One of the things I teach every one of my dogs is to run TO me when they are frightened so that I can help them get safe. This is a life-saving technique every dog should know.